Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Cupcakes and other delights

It was my birthday over the weekend. In addition to the beautiful Indian Summer weather that mother nature bestowed on Michigan, I got to spend time with the ones most dear to me. I also got to partake in my favorite treat- cupcakes. I think cupcakes are an art form. A delicious baked good in an adorable, and often ornate, package. What could be sweeter?

Another thing I like to do on my birthday is focus on one aspect of self-improvement that I would like to work on. I was never one for New Year's resolutions, and instead, find myself doing the most soul-searching and introspection around my birthday. This year I would like to be conscious of how I look at the world everyday. Do I wake up seeing the glass as half full or half empty? I have a choice everyday as to how I see my world and the people in it. Do I look for the good or do I look for the bad? This year, its all about finding the good and letting people know it. To quote Carol King- "You've got to get up every morning with a smile on your face, and show the world all the love in your heart". Amazing advice.

le cupcake, astromycisim

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