Sunday, April 12, 2009

Domestic Diva

I have been a whirling dervish of domesticity today! Odd, because I usually prefer going out to eat instead of cooking, and find it easier to just buy what I need instead of making it myself. Maybe I'm getting into this whole recession lifestyle...who knows.

We are re-doing the siding on our house and have had a work crew out banging on the walls all weekend. No sleeping in around here! I woke up and made some blueberry muffins because frankly, they were calling to me. I then started in on finishing a pair of embroidered handtowels for a friend of mine. My sister and I came across the embroidery patterns of Jenny Hart, which are modern and funky and do not include teddy bears or geese! Thank goodness! The towels have little dancing veggies and fruit across the bottom and are absolutely adorable. I want to keep them for myself!

After finsihing the towels I helped out with dinner and ended up manning the kitchen as we cooked for 7 people (Mom invited the work crew to stay and eat). My dad pointed out that this was just like the scene in Under The Tuscan Sun where she cooks for her handymen and they all become friends. I was mildly impressed and shocked at my Dad's knowledge of this movie and made sure to file that one away to use on him later. **Insert evil laughter here**

Now my Easter cake is in the oven and smelling all sorts of wonderful. I think I may be getting the hang of this whole cooking thing! And even if I may not be a fully realized domestic goddess, at least for tonight, I don't have to do the dishes.

1 comment:

Coffeemomma said...

Next thing you know you'll be monogramming eggs and ironing napkins. :)
