Monday, May 11, 2009

Adventures in unemployment

Tomorrow will mark 5 months of unemployment for me.  Just typing that made me feel a little sick to my stomach.  I miss work, I miss coworkers, I miss being productive and contributing to something- even if that something seems completely ridiculous at the time (direct mail- I'm talking to you!).  On the other hand, I've really enjoyed these last few months.  I've had time to look at my life and the things in it and realize that there was so much I wasn't doing before!  

My schedule when I was working was one of repetition and routine.  Get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, relax.  Sure there were the occasional (ok, more than occasional) nights out with friends, and night time walks around town that peppered some fun into my days, but I wasn't really doing what I enjoyed.  

Looking back on the last 6 months I've realized how much of my life I was missing out on.  It's not that work took up so much of my time that I couldn't fit anything else into my schedule- I just didn't.  Since being laid off, I've started volunteering and taking classes at a local television studio.  A place where I practically grew up, as my parents stuck me behind a camera as soon as I was tall enough.  I've realized how much I miss video production (something I was so passionate about, I almost made it my career choice) and can't wait to get involved in more projects over the summer.  I've also been devouring books like there is no tomorrow.  Re-reading novels that I loved growing up and discovering authors and works that have become some of my new favorites.  I've also reconnected with my creative streak; taking up embroidery, sketching with charcoal, trying my hand at sewing.  I've found that nothing is more satisfying than creating!

Now, while it would be nice to settle into this life of leisure for the rest of my days (and believe me, if I thought I had that option, I'd be finding even more hobbies!), I do want to find a job in the worst way.  But this time around, I'm going to find a balance.  I still want to do all of these great things I've enjoyed over the last few months.  I still want to get outside and enjoy the sunshine whenever I can, take a class in something I'm interested in, learn, discover.  I think if anything, these past few months have taught me how important it is to have a life outside the office, to find the time to do things you enjoy while still having a successful career.  

I'm going to test my balance theory today.  A little job searching this afternoon, a freelance design project tonight and then a good book to top off my evening.  Sounds like the perfect start to what will hopefully be a more balanced work life- if and when that happens.  

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