Monday, June 8, 2009

Doubt means don't

After many months of slim job prospects, I finally had a glimmer of hope last week.  A friend of mine secured me an interview with a telecommunications sales company that she had previously worked at.  I knew going in, that this was a sales position that involved going business to business lead generation.  I also knew that it was not a cake walk and that long hours would be involved, with considerable wear and tear to my vehicle, as I was expected to drive to my designated territory every day.

Ok.  I could deal with all of this.  I have currently been without a job for 6 months and I figured that I could bust my ass for awhile and really get back into the swing of things.  However, after a very intense interview process, I turned down the opportunity.  Why you may ask?

I'm a firm beleiver in Oprah's phrase "Doubt means don't".  I definitely had a sinking feeling in my gut during the interview process that just keep gnawing at me and saying "this isn't for you, keep on trucking".  Maybe it was the overly competitive work environment.  Maybe it was the fact that this job is really centered around the young and out of college crowd, and while I love having a good time; I've already had the job with the young coworker party crowd.  Maybe it was the fact that after securing a great balance in my life lately, I didn't want to throw all that away to be sucked back into a work environment that leaves you with zero free time.

So, as I enter month 6, I do so with a renewed sense of optimism.  I definitely think the next few months hold great opportunities that I just have to go out there and get.  I'm prepared to be a little more aggressive than I have in the past, and really seek out companies that I think would be a good fit.  And I definitely won't give up until I get an interview...or at least a decent explanation as to why I am not a good fit for a position.

Hmmm...maybe sales wouldn't have been such a terrible fit for me after all. 

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