Friday, June 12, 2009

New music Friday

Almost a year ago, someone sent me the Chunk of Change EP from the group Passion Pit. It was catchy, it was poppy and it was definitely something new and exciting for my ears. Then, last month, they released their full length album Manners, which was again sent to my inbox as a nice surprise. Then I got super lazy and never put it on my ipod and let the poor thing sit in music limbo on the hard drive and it fell to the wayside. All I can say is I am an idiot for waiting so long to take a listen.

This album may just be in contention for album of the year. It's everything a great debut album should be. Flawlessly produced, fresh, exciting and definitely full of great beats that will no doubt make driving with the sunroof open a lot more enjoyable. Currently loving track 3- Moth's Wings. The opening keyboards and driving beat just make me want to roll down the windows and celebrate being alive.


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